Social Media Video Marketing

Videos just work better

Videos just work better

The secret to creating video content is to create videos worth watching

Every social media platform demands video usage 

135% Increase

Videos get an average of 135% more engagement than image and text posts. 

SEO Boost

Videos on Facebook and YouTube help boost your SEO ranking!


Videos better engage your audience which motivates them to take actions.

Video content accounts for nearly every digital post we’re exposed to on social media platforms.  Now is the time to get ready and to develop key online marketing strategies with video at the center of every one of your campaigns. There are several benefits for using video marketing in social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Video Marketing enables you to have a much higher organic reach, which also makes it easier to utilize that reach for promotional purposes. Video ad usage is also on the rise on Facebook and Instagram because video ads have a much higher click-through rate than an image alone. Videos on social media also have higher engagement levels than images or text alone, making video ads one powerful, converting tactic to grow your business online.

Videos are the preferred method of content acquisition on social media platforms. 

Better Click-Through Rates

There are many reasons to upload a video onto Facebook or other social media platforms. For businesses, one of those reasons is usually tied into getting the viewer to take some sort of action whether it’s a making a purchase, a phone call or a website visit…. The goal for the business is having the viewer take an action. Videos on social media, Facebook in particular, have a higher click through rates because they encourage the viewer to take their interest beyond just your video.

Greater Reach

Videos have a better organic – or native – reach than images or text alone. This is because social media platforms now favor video posts over other upload types, because videos sell and engage users better than other posts. Video content has a higher engagement level than an image, which also serves as a way to increase the reach of a video post making it easier to get more people aware of your business.

Search Engine Optimization Boost

Heard of SEO? Of course, you have! Well, videos on Facebook help boost your overall search engine ranking because videos on Facebook appear in Google Video Results thus forming an additional avenue for people to get to your business online.

Video generation for your social platforms

We generate videos that convert through a highly targeted video content generation process where your audience is at the very core of everything from start to finish.

  • Create high-quality videos for your business capturing products, services, experiences, or a general informative video informing viewers of what you do.
  • Generate pre and post promotional videos for a product, service, or event launch.
  • Manage your social media video ad content
  • Promote your videos on social video through social media video ad campaigns
  • Convert viewers to achieve a particular goal such as: make a purchase, subscribe to an email newsletter, complete a contact inquiry including phone calls and/ or contact form submissions, and register for an event.
  • Measure video performance to acquire data to include in the production of future videos and campaigns.

Video Marketing on Facebook

Facebook videos are hot! Facebook is a great platform to grow your business because Facebook Business Pages are all about growth. When you add video marketing to a Facebook Campaign the results can shock you. Several businesses are choosing Facebook Ads over other online ad avenues because of the lower cost and increased reach of Facebooks Ads. A great way to achieve this is through video ad content on Facebook.

Facebook Live and Facebook Stories are two other opportunities to have video content added on Facebook. A great benefit of Facebook Live is that Facebook Users are alerted when a Facebook Live Video is taking place thus automatically making users aware of the video and driving viewers to it. Your Facebook Live video is saved to your Facebook Business Page after the live session ends, where it can be repurposed in other ways to grow your account and meet your conversion goals.

Video Marketing on Instagram

Generating videos for Instagram is another vital social media platform to consider in Online Marketing Campaigns. Instagram has a time limit imposed on videos, so it’s crucial to attract, hook, and convert users within that time limit. Videos on Instagram, whether they’re direct uploads or Instagram Stories have enormous benefits for business owners. As we all know, Instagram is one of the more visual social media platforms, so video posts and ads perform well here. Things we keep in mind when creating videos on Instagram are targeting the right audience, video length, hashtag usage. video performance, and engagement.

Video Marketing on YouTube

One billion hours of video are seen on YouTube from people around the world every day. That’s right, collectively around the world people watch one billions hours of YouTube video each and every day (source YouTube). Besides general promotional purposes, videos on YouTube are great for boosting your Search Engine rankings because YouTube videos are great for SEO. YouTube videos appear in search engine results making them an invaluable tactic for boosting your website ranking. Also, YouTube videos are great additions to your website because YouTube videos can easily be embedded to any website without the need of having the website file being stored on your server.