Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Start ranking on search engines like

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is all about getting your website to work for you.

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One goal of SEO is to rank organically.  What does this mean?  Well, simply put it means for your website to appear on the first page of Google without having to pay for an ad to be placed on top.  Search Engine Optimization – or marketing for your website as we like to call it – is all about getting people to look and click onto your website.  And isn’t that the point of having a website anyway?  If you have a website that’s not getting traffic, that’s not getting clicks then it’s not working for you, and getting it to work for you is the first step to growing your business.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO, short for “Search Engine Optimization” is the process or set of strategies and tactics used to increase the organic ranking of a website or webpage.  Organic ranking refers to the unpaid positioning of a website within a Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) such as those found in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.  One major goal of SEO is to increase the appearance of a website or webpage on the first page of search engines like Google.  Appearing on the first page of Google, or any other search engine, increases the probability of a user clicking onto your website or webpage.  

At Tinzi Marketing, we consider Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, to be part of our “Web Design Best Practices”, which means we include SEO as part of all of our websites.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become such an important part of web design that it needs to be built into a website from the very beginning, which is the approach we take in our web design services.  

Why do you need Search Engine Optimization?

Did you know Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is constantly changing and adapting?  That’s right, what’s considered a “safe” practice today may not be safe in a couple of months.  The end-result of any website project should be geared towards the user.  This helps guarantee the user has an easy time on your website, and everything – literally everything – is tied into that goal.  From the site titles to the links on your website and even the images everything needs to work together for your website to rank well.  Google has made a great resource available to anyone to view what some safe SEO practices are.  You can find that article by clicking here.  Please note by clicking the link you will be taken to a page outside of the Tinzi Marketing website.

SEO Fact:  Did you know how fast your website loads can affect your overall SEO friendliness?  It’s true, and if your website takes long to load you could be missing out big time.  We offer a free website speed test to measure your website’s speed to see if it’s working for you.  Click here to get started for free.